Merry Christmas!

December 1, 2021

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I hope this holiday season finds you and yours healthy and enjoying some festivities and merriment. :) 2021 has brought a few changes to my little corner of the world. Mitch and I are still happily living in the shed in Colonial Beach (current dream: buy a house, get four chickens, name them after the Golden Girls). We (me) spent the better part of 2020-2021 learning to garden, hang Christmas lights (won 2nd place AND a yard sign in our local competition last year!), bake bread….and generally follow all pandemic hobby trends… I stopped just short of the peloton craze because money. I'd like to take a moment to thank my family for putting up with all my "at-home" shenanigans!!

I started subbing as a Library Assistant with our regional library system this year and this fall, I was hired full-time as an Adult/Youth Services Programmer. If that sounds too “normal”, never fear…. it’s located inside a mall. So far I’ve made friends with the folks from Lenscrafters, spent my breaks eating all the samples at Costco and am working my way through the food court with ample amounts of pretzels from Auntie Anne’s. I’m hoping to infiltrate the inner gossip circles of mall culture and am always on the lookout for a flash mob.

There’s been a bit of music too; I led worship for five months with Ebenezer UMC and a few retreats this fall have felt like glimpses of the before times. I’m looking forward to at least the potential of travel in 2022! Like to your house….hopefully to give you a long, awkward hug and exchange our latest stories…. I’ll start with the guy who asked me to help him find books on how to talk to people (like girls) and a few weeks later returned with the skills and confidence to ask me out…. I still don’t understand the power I wield as a pretend librarian.

So here’s to hoping for all that 2022 can be. Know that I miss you…and your kids…. But probably most of all… your pets. I’ll be seeing you soon.


Love, Amy