Elevate 2013

Amy and Jess Elevate 2013.jpg

Sometimes you rediscover photos and realized you never properly blogged about them. Good thing there is a quick fix for that problem!  Back in the throes of winter, I had the opportunity to spend an evening on the middle school ski retreat. To backtrack to last year, this was really my first time getting to know some of the youth at Saint Joseph. But this year, schedules changed last minute and I only had Friday night available.

Nathan Whybrew Elevate 2013.jpg

But nonetheless after a few hours in the car and a couple of sketchy pit stops, (sketch mcgetch truck station diner bathroom anyone?) and we arrived somewhere in Ohio...at some camp, I forget the name. Nathan, one of our pastors was leading the evening with me and we settled in the lodge reserved for activities while the kids dropped their stuff off in the cabins. The lodge was great....except for the stuffed owls and other birds of prey that stared out from behind plexiglass boxes, their glass eyes looking just a little too real for my own comfort.....I think what I love about these retreats, is that our youth come with the expectation that they will be engaged and more open than a typical Sunday. It's easy to lead worship when all thirty voices sing out proud and strong together. We had them playing some games with flipping over cups on the floor and ending in a discussion on community.

All too soon, Nathan and I were out the door again to make it back to Fort Wayne and catch some shut eye before Saturday meetings. Sometimes I pity the people that get stuck with me, cause I definitely made him stop so I could take pictures of the oldest concrete street in America!!!!! In his defense, he stayed in the car eating hummus with pretzel chips the whole time. :o)

Oldest Concrete Street in America.jpg