Darci and I talked on the phone today. The first question I asked, "Was it really only a week ago that I left you in Tucson to catch your plane while I met up with my dad?" If time can expand, implode on itself and expand again....well, it's been one of those weeks. I find myself back in the "normal"....if living in your parents backyard in a small river town can be called that. But it's my normal and I am thankful for these past few days of cuddling with Mitch, catching up on television episodes of the past five weeks, and hanging out with the family. There is much to process and unpack and I'm not sure how to start sharing about Arizona. I brought faces and names and stories home with me and left a piece of my heart among the desert cacti. To be so openly welcomed and cared for and shown....
I thought to compile the posts here, a table of contents of sorts, to keep this journey organized and growing as time goes on....here goes nothing.
Pre Trip
When You Have More Questions Than Answers
The Road Trip
The House Concert Leg (Va to IN to IL)
Driving the Countryside (IL to KS)
Peace and Justice Studies Association Conference 2014
Day 1: The Day We Probably Should Have Been Stopped By Border Patrol
Day 2: Settling in and Making Plans