The Curious Case of the Pretend Librarian

December 1st 2021

I find myself these days smack dab in the middle of an actual, benefits included, full time job as a Library Assistant. Of course I am opposed to most things deemed “normal” so I definitely found a position in which this particular branch in located within a mall…. Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, clothing stores, guitar center and a Costco!!! I often stroll through Costco on my breaks for the “Costco Buffet” aka…..the samples. :) And can you really beat a hot dog and drink for $1.50???

If you were to ask me how I got here….. I’d probably mumble something about a facebook post about openings for substitutes and how I was bored sitting at home last winter when the garden didn’t need constant attention and somehow we would end up with the firm response of a shrug and…. “2020”. A year and a half ago, I was looking down the path of a year of travel. I had just released the Bluegrass Project, momentum felt small but growing (a trip to Europe was in the beginning stages)…..and just like for everyone else, it all came to a grinding halt. Where it has remained. I’ve done some freelance leading, spoke at a retreat, made countless worship videos, and tried to be open to the opportunities that came along.

So here we are. And other than learning the rhythms of an hour long commute and forty hours spent in one job (I mean, if we are honest, I used to work way more but it was spread across many jobs), I am loving it. There are so many, SO MANY parallels between this library gig and what I have previously experienced in the church planting world. There is a built-in customer base in our mall….not to mention the hundreds of employees that work amongst the H&Ms and JCPennys….. I have most definitely made best friends with Angela who works next door at LensCrafters. Haven’t made any mortal enemies yet….but give me time. :)

Oh the stories we will find….. The words expressed in the hallway outside the post office during its 12-1:15 daily closure for lunch could easily fill a coffee table book.